Our Technology
World-class eye care requires world-class technology. That’s why at Optegra you will find some of the most advanced equipment available.
Optegra Eye Sciences works with the leading manufacturers and suppliers of ophthalmic equipment and instruments. We constantly monitor and assess the quality and performance of the equipment to ensure that the very highest standards are maintained.
What’s more, Optegra Eye Sciences consults with our surgeons regularly to gain their views on the latest technology and treatments. If these experts believe that new equipment has become available that will help them provide even higher levels of care and treatment, we research this carefully and, where appropriate, we make the investment – but only after rigorous new treatment protocols and assessments have been completed by our Medical Director and Eye Sciences team.
We aim to make our procedures safer and more accurate with better results and faster recovery, by using the most advanced equipment.
Treatment specific technology
Cataract and lens replacement
Zeiss MEL® 90 Excimer laser
The Zeiss MEL®90 is designed to provide flexibility to surgeons allowing the speed of the laser to be configured to either 250z or 500Hz. Advanced customisable treatment options are available in addition to wavefront optimized, topography guided and PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision treatments. Phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) treatments are also offered on this laser, which allows surgeons to treat complex cases as well as undertake therapeutic treatments. Available at Optegra Eye Hospital Birmingham and Optegra Eye Hospital London.
Laser eye surgery and lens replacement
Femtosecond Laser for LASIK flap creation
All-laser LASIK is now acknowledged as the standard of care for delivering precision results along with the highest degree of safety and comfort. The Ziemer LDV is a Swiss-made precision laser that allows your surgeon to offer this standard as part of your Optegra treatment. Available at Optegra Eye Hospital Surrey,Optegra Eye Hospital Yorkshire, Optegra Eye Hospital Hampshire and Optegra Eye Hospital North London. IntraLase™ iFS™ is another advanced technology femtosecond laser (from Abbott Medical Optics) that also allows an all-laser LASIK solution and this is available at Optegra Eye Hospital Manchester, Optegra Eye Hospital Birmingham and Optegra Eye Hospital London.
Optegra also utilises the the Zeiss Visumax®, which is a high performance femtosecond laser with outstanding precision and allows Optegra surgeons to perform all-laser LASIK as well as ReLEx® SMILE; the latest generation of laser vision correction. This is available at Optegra Eye Hospital London.
Excimer Lasers for Laser Vision Correction
Wavelight Allegretto Excimer Lasers
The Wavelight laser range was the first to introduce wavefront science to customise laser refractive surgery in 1999. It is a scanning-spot excimer laser system with high pulse frequencies of 400 – 500 Hertz. The Wavelight platform uses a galvanometer scanner for laser spot positioning and a fast eye-tracker to register your eye’s position and control the laser beam’s direction accordingly. Topography and wavefront data enables your surgeon to deliver Wavefront Optimised or Customised corrections as required. The individual laser pulses have a small ablation diameter of 0.95mm and a Gaussian shaped profile; features that create a “cool, smooth laser” along with short treatment time. Available at Optegra Eye Hospital Surrey, Optegra Eye Hospital Yorkshire, Optegra Eye Hospital Hampshire and Optegra Eye Hospital North London.
Schwind Amaris® 500e Excimer Laser
The Schwind Amaris laser® couples an extremely high ablation speed of 500 Hertz together with a five dimension eye tracker. The SchwindCAM software allows bespoke, individually customised treatments based on highly detailed wavefront profiles. The treatment that is delivered by the laser is calculated to preserve corneal tissue. For those patients where a surface procedure is the best option, the Schwind laser offers ‘no touch’ advanced surface ablation through its Trans PRK option – surface treatment where the corneal surface epithelium is removed by the laser itself. For patients where LASIK is the recommended option, this laser is coupled with the 5th generation IntraLase™ iFS™ Advanced Femtosecond laser from Abbott Medical Optics to allow an all-laser LASIK solution – a versatile tool that preserves corneal innervation and allows post-operative healing by creating a biomechanically stable corneal flap. Available at Optegra Eye Hospital Manchester.
Laser Treatment for Clouding of the Lens Capsule
Over time, in the months and years after intraocular lens (IOL) surgery, the lens capsule which remains in the eye after surgery (to support the IOL) can become cloudy. This is treated as an out-patient procedure with a YAG laser which effectively clears away the cloudy parts of the capsule. YAG laser capsulotomy treatment is available at Optegra Eye Hospital Surrey, Optegra Eye Hospital Birmingham, Optegra Eye Hospital Manchester, Optegra Eye Hospital Yorkshire, Optegra Eye Hospital Hampshire, Optegra Eye Hospital North London and Optegra Eye Hospital London.
Laser Treatment for Glaucoma (SLT)
This precision instrument allows the surgeon to lower the eye pressure in some glaucoma patients by selectively targeting pigmented cells of the drainage tissue of the eye with laser energy, leading to more efficient working of the eye’s drainage pathways. With selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT), the effect can be achieved using laser energy levels which are lower than those used in argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT), the previous form of this treatment. SLT it a well-accepted treatment for glaucoma that may be used alone or as a complementary treatment with medication. Selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) treatment is available at Optegra Eye Hospital Yorkshire, Optegra Eye Hospital Birmingham, Optegra Eye Hospital Manchester and Optegra Eye Hospital Hampshire.
Age-related Macular Degeneration
Anti-VEGF drugs
Anti-VEGF drugs inhibit the vessel growth that can cause AMD. Drugs available at Optegra hospitals include Avastin, Lucentis and Eylea.
Intra-ocular Lens for Visually Impaired People (IOL-VIP)
This treatment is a magnifying system for a small group of patients with moderate visual loss. It centres around a combination of two custom-selected lenses which can be implanted into a patient’s eye in a similar manner as with regular cataract surgery. This allows the eye to help produce a focused and useful image on a healthy region of the retina.
CentraSight® and the Implantable Miniature Telescope
CentraSight is a high power magnifying system for a select group of patients with severe visual loss. The Implantable Miniature Telescope (IMT), which is smaller than a pea, uses micro-optical technology to magnify images which would not normally be seen in the central vision of those with advanced AMD. The images are magnified onto the healthy portion of the retina not affected by the disease, making it possible for patients to see or discern the central vision object of interest.
Available at Optegra Eye Hospital Surrey, Optegra Eye Hospital Manchester, Optegra Eye Hospital Hampshire, Optegra Eye Hospital Yorkshire and Optegra Eye Hospital North London.
Techniques for Diagnosing and Treating Retinal Conditions
OCT (Ocular Coherence Tomography)
Non-invasive, non-contact, imaging technology to examine the retina, which enables the surgeon to measure the thickness of each layer precisely.
HRT 3 (Heidelberg Retinal Tomographer)
An incredible imaging system that uses laser light to measure the three dimensional structure of the retina and optic nerve.
Fluorescein angiography
A dye-tracing method that allows surgeons to examine blood vessels in the retina, choroid, and iris of the eye.
Lasers for treating retinal conditions
Lasers may also be used in the treatment of retinal conditions related to diabetes (Grid or Focal PRP treatment) or to repair a torn or detached retina (retinopexy). Laser treatment is available at Optegra Eye Hospital Manchester, Optegra Eye Hospital Yorkshire, Optegra Eye Hospital Surrey and Optegra Eye Hospital Hampshire.
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