Dr Chris Hemmerdinger

Dr Chris Hemmerdinger

  • Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
  • BSc (hons) Optometry
  • FRCOphth
  • MB ChB
  • MCOptom


Mr Hemmerdinger is a consultant ophthalmic surgeon at Optegra Manchester. He holds qualifications in Optometry and Ophthalmology.

He graduated in Optometry from UMIST in 1994 and in Medicine from Manchester in 2001. He completed his ophthalmology training at St Paul’s eye hospital in Liverpool were he developed a specialist interest in glaucoma. He was appointed as consultant ophthalmologist at Warrington and Halton NHS trust in 2011, becoming clinical lead in 2013. In 2016 he was appointed as consultant ophthalmologist and lead for glaucoma at Macclesfield District General Hospital.

Mr Hemmerdinger performs all types of cataract and glaucoma surgery including non-penetrating glaucoma surgery (viscocanalostomy), trabeculectomy, tube surgery and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (Xen, I-stent).

Mr Hemmerdinger is a past chairman of the Northern Optometric Society and the current president of The Medical Contact Lens and Ocular Surface Association (MCLOSA).


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